Monday, January 14, 2013


How to select Plot  (PART 2)

 While selecting a plot there are so many hurdles, one must take care of like shape of plot, location, orientation, direction, quality of soil, water reservoir, from whom you are purchasing, sun and wind direction etc. Such things affect the plot as the earth is continuously generating energy (Positive or Negative), which will affect the residing people on the plot. Earth is continuously generating energies. If  by chance plot is purchased that generates negative energy or where geopathic stress is, the life will become hell.

How one should start the project?
Survey survey and survey?????? Plot that is  fertile, having lot of greenery, positive energy generating, good soil, good water source along with giving peace of mind is the best site to stay. Before investing life time wealth one must consult some Vastu, Feng Shui, Pyramidologist or Dowser. Any defect or problem from plot they can judge better and it can be solved well in time.

Shape of site?
First and the foremost point is to see what is the shape of the plot? Much of the things depend on it, as different shapes have different effects on life.
The best shape of plot is either square or rectangle. Any other shape must be avoided.
If it is rectangle it should be from east to west. This is good for residence.

How to choose the best location of site?
If the open place is in east, north or north east one must buy it. If the open place is in south, west and south west this will not be good.
Try to buy the site with its gate on north, east or northeast.
The plot flow should be from south west to northwest.
Water reservoir should be in the east, north or northeast. Good for wealth.
There should not be any obstacle before the plot e.g.  Electricity pole, telephone pole, big tree, tall building etc.
It should not be near temple, graveyard, hospital, education institution, power house etc.
Sharp edges of any building reflect/sent negative energy which affects the residence of the plot.
Big no to T or Y junction. Unnecessary tension prevails.
High bridges on east, north or northeast one should not buy this plot. If the same situation towards west, south or southwest this is good to buy.
The site is good if low lying area in north, east or northeast and high hills in south, west and southwest.
A plot facing roads from all the four corner is auspicious.
Do not buy a plot where the neighbors rain water falling on the plot.
These are some of the suggestions always keep in mind while going for plot.

Type of Soil?
Structure stands on earth. So soil is very important. One must judge the soil before taking any action. The earth is differentiated by its color like black, red, yellow and white, taste, smell and texture. This different form of soil has different qualities which affect the life of residence.

White color soil has lotus smell. Its taste is sweet and it contains greenery.  This soil is good for professional like doctor, engineers, professors etc. This is the best type of soil of all.
Second is of red color. It has smell of blood and its taste is astringent. This is good for executives, high ups in defense, administrators etc.  It is good but some attention is required.
Third is yellow or pale color. It has smell of grains. This is good for businessman, bankers, shareholders and dealing with finance.  It is an average soil. It needs lot of attention and improvement.
Fourth is of black color. Its smell is pungent and its taste is bitter. This type of soil is not fit for construction. One must avoid it.

Topography and surroundings of site?
Topography has its very important role in plot. There are many factors that make a plot livable or unlivable, useable or unusable. Four directions, shape, highway, cremation ground, temple, gurdwara, river, wells, hospital, education institute etc these all influence the place.
            Worshiping places should not be nearby the plot. These generate different energies not suitable to the human being.
            Shadows of worshiping places should not fall on the structure where one is living. Such type of structure should be avoided.
            Education institution should not be nearby the site.
            Hospitals and cemetery graveyard, tomb should not be adjacent to the plot. People living near these places will have fear in their mind and there will not be peace of mind in the family.
            Some of these above places should never be in front of the plot. If it is there, people living there will be mentally sick, upset and undesirable problems in life.

Before finalizing the site some more important points should be in mind like:
The plot history must be noted. The plot should not be purchased from long sick person, bankrupt, buying some lower plot etc.
Always buy plot where happy and prosperous people are residing. It is natural that there is positive energy in the plot and good vibration.
Try to feel the vibration for a few moments. If you feel some positive feelings just go and buy the plot. It will give peace of mind and prosperity.
One must consult some Vastu, Feng Shui, Pyramidologist or Dowser who can guide in taking the big decision of life.

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