Monday, January 28, 2019



Panch mahapursh yog have very unique and important place in horoscope in Vedic astrology. As the name suggested panch mahapursh, means it comprises of five planets and these are Mangal (Mars), Budh (Mercury), Brahaspat (Jupiter), Shuker (Venus) and Shani (Saturn). Where as Surya (Sun), Chander (Moon), Rahu and Ketu do not come under this category. We can find the description of this yog in every Vedic granths.

These five planets form the panch mahapursh yog as under:

Mars (Mangal) form the Ruchak Yog
Mercury (Budh) form the Bhadra Yog
Jupiter (Brahspati or Guru) form the Hans Yog
Venus (Shuker) form the Malvya Yog and
Saturn (Shani) form the Shash Yog.

When these are made in any horoscope, the person becomes an extraordinary lucky in his life.

A detail discussion about Panch Mahapursh yog  will be done in the following blogs.