Tuesday, January 15, 2013


                           Career & Wealth
One major question is always asked,    Which career will suit????   
This does not limited to professionals only but it is for students as well. Everybody is caring for better future and prosperous life. Everybody climbs the ladder with success and wants to reach the top.
Feng shui can answer the query because it tells the interest, character, ability & luck of person and this reflects the career a person suits the best.
Career in feng shui means, to improve one of the nine corners. In compass school North is the direction of Career. In Ba Gua School center front of the home or apartment corner is career corner while standing in the door.
In feng shui we can improve this corner in various ways e.g. clutter free corner, good lighting, fresh air etc, and if we go a bit advance in Feng Shui, sit while facing the best or lucky direction. This lucky direction always attracts the best and quality of energy which is essential for you and your career.
To improve the Career, just improve the Career Corner. How?????
1.      Kua Number
2.      Element
3.      Color
4.      Supporting Element & Color
5.      Depleting Element & Color
6.      Decoration items &
7.      Clutter free corner.
8.      Location of main Chamber.
Concentrate, adopt and take care of  the above tips and you will achieve what you have in your mind or in your dream. When implementing these positive  Ki will be enhanced and goal is automatically achieved. But by mistake if there is any flaw remains it will give reverse effect i.e. negative results. Always be careful in Feng Shui while adopting these or take the help of some expert feng shui master.
Kua Number: The most important in Feng Shui is Kua Number. From this one can judge the personality of a person. This can be calculated from one’s Date of Birth and Gender. Every individual have its Kua Number. On the basis of this Kua Number the direction is decided. There are four favorable and four unfavorable directions. To improve your career one must follow the most favorable direction, this will bring improvement. Hindrances and problems will vanish or removed.
Money & Success
Personal Growth
5 Female
5 Male
There are five elements in Feng shui: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal. These five elements are related with different career jobs. But to enhance the career as North is the direction and its element is Water. Always try to improve North direction. Keep this corner of house or room clutter free, well lit and decorated. No poison arrow should face this corner otherwise difficulties, tensions, set backs will follow.
In compass direction North is the career corner and in Ba Gua Center of door is the career corner. In career corner water is the element. In feng shui water means wealth. Place water features in this corner. Water can be of two types e.g. Still water and Running water, Yin water and Yang water.  Always have Yang water, moving water.    In the cycle of production metal produces water and metal elements can also be placed. Implementing proper element in career corner you can boost your career with little efforts.
Do you need help with education or career? Here color can help wonder for you. Color does wonder in feng shui. Everybody reacts or responds to different color differently.  Feng shui takes the advantage of color in next level, where each color generates different types of energies. Different directions have different colors. Every corner is dominated by its particular color e.g. East corner is dominated by Green color which is of wood color, South is having Red color which is the color of fire. The career is having blue or black color which is of North direction or corner. This is the color of water. Use maximum these color in the corner. This will generate the positive energy. Soothing colors are better than sharp colors.
Supporting / Unsporting Element or Color:
As we know that there are three cycle in Feng Shui. Productive, Destructive and Exhaustive.
To enhance the energy always apply the productive cycle of feng shui e.g. Water produces Wood, Wood produces Fire, Fire produces Earth, Earth produces Metal and Metal produces Water. This is productive cycle.
Destructive cycle is Water destroys Fire, Fire destroys Metal, Metal destroys Wood, Wood destroys Earth and Earth destroys Water. Always try to avoid this cycle. This may generate negative energies which may be harmful.
Exhaustive cycle in feng shui is Water exhaust Metal, Metal exhausts Earth, Earth exhausts Fire, Fire exhausts Wood and Wood exhausts Water. When there is no option, try to adopt this cycle. This does not generate negative energy rather it will neutralize the energy.
Same is the case of colors. These three types of energy can also be handled with Colors. As every Element has its own color and the same color if used for enhancement it generates positive energy and if want to exhaust the same cycle can exhaust the energy.
While Career corner is north and it should be decorated with water elements. To support it metal can be used in the form of mental pieces. Try to use black and blue color in this corner. Metal colors like golden, silver, white etc can also be supporting and applied there.
Decoration Items:
Feng shui has different products with which energy can be enhanced or reduced. In career corner, if you place those types of decoration pieces at proper places after cleansing them, purifying them and charging them, they can do wonders in one’s life. But always try to get the advice of some expert. Otherwise the same pieces can bring disaster in life.                                                                   
Clutter in feng shui can make or mar one’s life. It drains and dampens your energy. Always take care of the corner where you want to generate positive and favorable energy. In fact clutter results a low and confusing energy, which will drain your positive energy from you and you become lethargic and away from your determined target or goal. Removing the clutter is not an easy task, it sometime links with your emotions. It is difficult to go against emotions that are why there is clutter.
One thing is sure that once the clutter is removed, positive energy will generate and things will go right which result encouragement and enthusiasm to achieve the goal. When you change your mental approach and set your goals then and only then you can start living clutter free life. No doubt you can change but you need a consistent effort. Yes if you can’t remove the clutter from your house or office, you must remove from career corner which is in the north direction of your house or office or room.
Location of Main Chamber:
Location of your chamber depends on what is your job. A research scholar, artist or writer should have his cabin or office at the back of property. They should not stay in near the entrance. CMD of the company should and must have his office at the back. Such office should not be an immediate contact with people. The office which is not interrupted flourishes always. Poison arrows should be taken care of. If it is pointing towards you or office do some remedies so that its effects can be diluted.
Things to care:
Some of the principles which, taken care of for money, promotion, education or career. Applying these principles of feng shui can really help you to achieve your goal. Feng shui has some lucky charms and symbols if used them properly, under the guidance of expert they can do wonder.
Some of the tips to be taken care as under:
1.      Sitting. Where ever you sit or stand you should be in a commanding position. Always take the seat farthest from door. If possible it should be diagonal to the door.
2.      Never sit with your back on the door or windows.  Always have a solid wall behind you. This will act as a mountain of support.
3.      Never sit in the alignment of doors.
4.      Always face or sit in your best direction. Your Kua Number will describe the direction.
5.      Take care of poison arrows. Avoid these, if they are shooting towards you. If unavoidable then do some remedies so that their effect can be diminished or reduced.
6.      Try to use maximum natural lightings. Open the windows and doors. Let the fresh air circulate which brings positive energy. There should be enough lights in the room. If possible light a blue or white color bulb in career direction.
7.      Use some positive colors. Always have good color on the walls. It should not be bare. Light blue and white or metal color will be welcome here.
8.      Hangings on the walls should have some positive themes. Complex and boring pictures must be avoided in this corner.
9.      Reduce or defuse electromagnetic radiation. Computers, cell phones, TV etc produce electromagnetic radiations, try to avoid maximum in the room. These waves reduce the energy of your body and brain. If not possible then keep some live plants like Lilly, bamboo, jade etc in the room. They reduce the radiation.
10.  Keep a piece of rock salt or some crystal near these devices. They negate the effects.
11.  Add some feng shui cures e.g. aquarium, fountain in the north direction. Paintings  of flying birds, career log, some promotion scenes etc.
12.  Hang some inspiring and positive Quotes on the wall. It will keep you motivated all the time.
Working with feng shui Color, Element, Kua Number etc discussed above the goal of life can be achieved very easily and quick, whether work from home, office or outside. Take care of above things, if need be consult some expert so that new heights can be achieved. 

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