Thursday, June 30, 2016



Going thru the lines on mount of moon, a question comes in mind whether I can go abroad and settle there. The answer is there. Just check the mount of moon and lines on it and also the lines from life line.

The horizontal lines on mount of moon are generally considered as travel lines. These lines start from percussion and goes towards middle of the palm.

When the travel line touches the fate line, the trip becomes successful and beneficial.

The travel line touches the sun line, give you fame in foreign countries.

When the travel line crosses the fate line then it will be just a simple trip.

When the travel line intersects the life line the trip will be effect the health or made for the reason of health.

A cross reflects disappointment in journey.

Overlaps or breaks in line shows delays.

The longer the line the longer will be the stay.

When the travel line is broken and this broken part of line is covered by square, it means that you will be protected while in travel.

When two lines join and become a travel line, it means you will accompany with your partner.

If there is an island or dot on the travel line, it means tension or danger during that part of line.

When one line starts from life line and goes towards mount of moon, it shows settlement abroad.

These are some of the indications which reflect either foreign travels or foreign settlements.

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