It is truly said that Marriages are
made in heaven and performed on earth.
ultimate aim of anybody is to get into the knot and lead a happy life.
times we hear that there is delay in marriage of girl or boy. What is the
says that s/he is busy in building career. Or
takes the excuse of getting more education. Or
will look after the interest of other family members. Or
you think that these are facts or excuses?
/ Feng Shui reasons????? 
There will be many architectural defects in
buildings, which make the delay and long delay in life.
we look into the Kundly (Horoscope) of an individual it is clearly written that
the marriage stars are very strong and one should be settled by this time. Even
then s/he is single. What is the reason?
and Feng Shui play their important role. Some time these are heavy on
horoscope. Yes?
we look the placing and directions of individual in vastu or fang shui we will
find the reasons of delay.
vastu and feng shui some of the directions which are very important and strong that
create the delay. Or some of the directions are prohibited. Just a little
ignorance will make the difference in life.
North East:
This is an Ishan corner and Jal (Water)
element is dominating. As we say that Lady comes from Shuker Greh (Venus) and
Man comes from Mangal Greh (Mars). Lady dominates fire. When lady will work in
this corner there will be clash between fire and water which leads to tension
and low confidence.
The other reason is that NE
corner has a very strong magnet and s/he will not have that much of confidence
to take decisions. And the outcome is, s/he will be rejected in every proposal.
If the lady goes from NE corner
and then get the room in NW direction in in-law’s house, she will not stay
there for long time. NW corner dominated by Air element and NE corner has
strong magnet. The air will push and magnet will attract the lady and thus she
will be back.
South West:
The Nirutya corner, earth element dominates. This corner should be highest corner
of plot. If there is any defect or cut/missing corner it creates havoc in life.
There should not be any boring or septic tank in this corner. If it is so then
s/he can’t take proper decisions which results in delay. There will always be
wavering mind.
If staying in this corner, it
will boost/over confidence which results that any proposal comes; s/he rejects
it for one or the other reason.
entrance door is not considered good. Rahu rules this direction. Rahu, that
brings delays in life. Any work you do, Rahu will play its part. Unless and
until some strong remedies are not done this entrance door will give trouble.
SE/NW: When the
entrance is in SE and a water body in NW this situation is not good. The line
which intersects the residential or commercial building will not give good
results. This situation will definitely bring delay and bad luck in to the plots
which are intersected. Most of the boys and girls will remain unmarried for
long time in such situations. The results will be same when the situation is
reversed i.e. water in SE and entrance in NW.
real life Vastu / Feng Shui is an energy which creates or flourish the bond of
love. Those who want to enjoy the success in life must follow the Vastu / Feng
Shui remedies and cures. This will bring freshness and happiness in the nuptial
can easily be improved just by arranging according to directions as per Vastu /
Feng Shui. It can also be improved just by rearranging and replacing things in your