Have anyone ever noticed that two
restaurants of same geographical nature, similar directions, similar outer and
interiors and same type of constructions, even then one is very busy and full
of customers and the other is not even get the minimum customers. Why is it so?
If analyzes it minutely we will find that in construction, renovation and
interior and exterior designing, taking the advantage of natures five elements
(Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal) in the form of Vastu, Feng Shui and
Pyramidology. They produce the energies and make the differences.
Where / how to concentrate:
Following are some of the main points
which one should and must take care of for healthy business.
Main board of Restaurant, color contrast, design, font and placing
First and foremost thing to be noticed
of a business is its display board. What is written on, so the main board
should be in contrast with the business? If the board is made with the help of
Vastu and Feng Shui rules, it will attract the customers with its energy. The
board must comply with the five elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal).
Vastu and Feng Shui make the difference here.
Main entrance
Entrance of hotel or restaurant is very
importan. This is the mouth of Qi (energy). The positive entrance will bring
fame and prosperity quickly and easily. North, Northeast and East is the best
directions, it does not mean that the others should not be chosen. There are so
many remedies for those directions, while applying the remedies the results
will be the same and business can flourish.
As soon as one enters the hotel or
restaurant, first sight will be reception. Main business depends on it. Try to
create such a style that receptionist should and must have face towards North,
East or Northeast.
It should be at some distance from the
main door. Computers, telephones, tablets etc should be on left. Proper
lighting should be there. No extra paper and sharp material (Pins, Blade, and
Knife etc) be on table.
Some water body should be placed near
reception, as water means wealth.
Kitchen’s location is as important as
cashier’s. The food prepared at correct location will taste better. This will
become the plus point and attract more clients.
First choice should be South/SSW and if
not possible then second choice will be Southeast. The kitchen should always be
far away from the sight of customers.
Try to face north or east while
preparing food. Kitchen should always be clean and clutter free.
Raw material and spices should be
placed in Northwest corner of kitchen.
Menu color and contrast
Much has been written on menu in next
blog named “Menu Restaurant / Hotel”.
Even I must say that menu should be
prepared with the help of Vastu, Feng Shui and Pyramidology.
Background color, font, ink color,
placing etc must reflect five elements (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal).
This will generate positive energy and will attract customer.
Store room
Every business has some godown where
some raw material to be stored.
It should be in Southwest. Always keep
those things in this direction which are not in use or will be used.
If you want some items to be moved
fast, these should be in Northwest corner.
Display of items
There are some items to be displayed in
hotels and restaurants. These should be placed in Northwest direction &
will push the sales. Items colored green, black, blue etc should be displayed
in Southeast corner.
Earning of hotel or restaurant stays or
slips depend upon the location of washroom. If incorrectly located, it will
drain out the wealth very fast. Washroom should be in south, northwest and
southeast. It should never be in northeast. Keep vigil on it.
It should be located at far end, where
customers can’t see it. The door should be closed all the time. Cleanliness is
a must.
Furniture is important. Table top
should be orange, red or brown. Never and never use blue color in furniture.
Try to avoid pointed furniture. According to Vastu and Feng Shui blue color
should be used in bar room. There it will generate positive energy. Wooden
furniture is preferred.
Seating style
Sitting arrangement should be according
to Vastu and Feng Shui rules. Customers should face south and west. While
taking the order your face should be either north or east. This way good and
healthy order is received.
There must be some sofas in northwest
corners so that some old can sit there for some time and take rest.
Interiors should and must match the
hotel and restaurant. Here some professional consultation is very important.
Red, orange, yellow, beige or brown color should be used on walls, pillars,
flooring and in furniture.
North, East and Northeast should always
be light. Keep the heavy furniture and big tables in the Southwest, South and
West. Some open space must be left in the center. This place will generate
positive energy.
It is the lights which create the
ambiance atmosphere. There should not be any flash, sharp and floodlights. Dim
lights are welcomed. Yellow color lights are always preferred and it generates
positive energy. At times come candles and candle lights should be used so that
some change takes place.
Small and dim red color lights should
be installed in Northeast, Southwest and in Center. This is good for hotel or
Designs , a very important in hotel and
restaurant industry. Walls should not be plain. These should have some designs.
Keep in mind that the designs should not be complicated & must match the
Color should be red, orange, yellow,
beige or some green.
Try to get some vertical designs and
not horizontal. Vertical designs show the growth. Square designs are good. It
is earth element which shows stability. Try to avoid maximum wavy designs.
Advertising is crucial for gaining any
business. Rise or fall of any business depends on it. If used judiciously,
gives very positive results.
Always check the timings e.g. if a
holiday season, tourist season, festival season etc. Then there are some
particular days and festivals also.
Again be particular about some deals or
packages. This will attract customer and advertisement takes place.
There are different ways of
advertisements like newspaper, inserts, flyers, local radio, TV.
But the best these days is restaurant
website. People just surf the net and go thru the entire menu, deles, packages
etc. If this is linked with the other hotel and restaurant industry, local
tourist department, local chamber etc it will give extra push to business and this
is the best way to advertise.
Above all the most important are the Vastu, Feng Shui and
Pyramidology norms to be followed.
It is found that Vastu, Feng Shui and
Pyramidology have more than 300 million dollars market in hotel and restaurant
industry. Not only in West but in India people are becoming very particular to
get the professional advice. 
There are many hidden points which the
interior designers can’t see or they ignore because of lack of knowledge.
For getting good and flourishing business one must consult
Vastu, Feng Shui and Pyramidologist for happy and prosperous future.
The hospitality industry mainly depends
on some of the above discussion. This
industry is like a small child, sensitive and delicate, if want to rise
one must take care from all the angles and every step.
These are some general guidelines for
restaurant and hotel industry which give the overview of the Vastu, Feng Shui
and Pyramidology. If serious about achieving cherished, balanced and beautiful
growth, contact for personalized consultation for success and happy life.